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                               Miracle Of The Distance 



This is written by my friend Alexander Nakrilov. He is from Magadan, Russia. From 2012, he started feeling lack of energy. At work he was falling asleep around 4 in the afternoon. Due to lack of energy and constant slugishness, he started feeling depressed and became completely anti-social. I purified him with the help of Nature Power. Purification occured 3 times a day. After one week, he started feeling energetic again ! He is cheerful and sociable just like before. In this letter below, he is expressing his gratitude to me and the Nature. For those who understand Russian, please read it through. I understand that many of you who read my website will think I am out of my mind. I am sincerely hoping to help as many people as I can. If you think I am lying, please try "One Week Free Trial". 


вобщем, сначала я чувствовал себя подавленым, мне ничего не хотелось, ни работать ни общения с окружающими людьми, на лицо все признаки депрессии. Причиной послужило напряженная умственная работа, постоянные стрессы и последней каплей стал перевод моей девушки с которой вместе работал в другой филиал. Я остался один... и тут меня накрыло... в душе образовалась пустота... мне захотелось заполнить эту пустату и на сайте знакомств я наткнулся на страничку Томалики. Прочитав что она занимается целительством я написал ей. Попросил чтоб она помогла мне. Дело в том что примерно года два назад я начал замечать что моя энергия кудато деется и я не тот что был прежде. Меня стало тянуть в сон прям на рабочем месте. Раньше такого небыло. Томалика согласилась мне помоч. И буквально за неделю мне стало лучше. Если кто не верит это его право но сейчас я снова могу шутить и нормально общаться с коллегами по работе. Я очень благодарен Томалике за ее помощь мне. Не знаю как она это делает но у нее получается. И хочу пожелать ей чтоб все добро которое она сделала для меня и для всех остальных возвратилось ей в кратном размере. Творите добро помогайте друг другу берегите окружающий вас мир и если вы излучаете добро то и вокруг вас мир станет намного прекрасней.


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Since the beginning of 2014, 99% of the humanity's souls have vanished. 


Since 6th June 2006, humanity has been losing a lot in the mysterious world of 99 %. This is the result of what we used to do. It is no exaggeration to mention that humanity is slowly heading towards extinction. Desipite of these sad events, thanks to Nature Power which has been giving us millions of lessons so that we can live happier. Those of you who have read this text, please never give up on your happiness and if any of you are suffering, feel free to write to me. 


Why this even has occured ? 


I remember when I lost my soul in the past, I felt empty, sad and unenthusiastic. Imagine a cruise ship without a captain. The ship will soon lose direction and sink. In another words, your souls had always directed you. 


​- No appreciation & lack of appreciation


- Buying anything without checking the truth

( make sure to check the truch before taking it ) 


-  Human civilization is the result of Nature's gift but we took it for granted and returned evil for good. ( ex : making nuclear power plants, destroying species, contamination,etc)


- Not following the Principle of Happiness 


- Always keen on blaming on others while barely paying attention to your inner weakness and flaws. ( Self-Responsibility ) 


I believe this to be the final wake-up call for us to change the way we are. 

Our Calender was truncated in 2013. 

Nature Power has appeared to us since 6th June 2006. It has been showing us an innumerous number of incredibly amazing results. I have seen some men walking with sticks that started walking alone just right after nature purification. Women with breast cancer are just fine as if nothing happened. A young girl with depression is living her life happily. Apart from these happy events, our "mysterious world of 99 percent has been slowly demolishing. I hear an ambulance like almost every day. As if it's usual for us to live with illness and problems. From January 2013 , our Schedule Book has disappered in our mysterious world of 99 percent.  What is it ? It's a schedule book in which written our histroy, presenct and future. We write down  our schedule to keep on reminding us what will happen in the near future. In its old pages, our history has been written. What we did in our past lives, how we lived, what we did, etc. You can start writing down some exciting events which will occur in our future. What happens if we lose it ? I can tell you from my personal experience. It is something indispensable that the moment I lost it, I thought my life was ending. I almost lost my conscious and lied on the wall. My vision was distorted, I could not almost hear anything. The moment my Register Book was back, my vision got clear and I stopped panting and started walking as if nothing happened. If you want to know more about it, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

The video above is in English. The video below is in Japanese. 

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